Sunday, February 14, 2010

Autism Causes More Condition_symptoms Autism Causes?

Autism Causes? - autism causes more condition_symptoms

A friend sent me this to read, and I found very interesting. What is your opinion? ...


Mr. Peachy® said...

Hello Everyone,

There is only one example of a current dissatisfaction with the medical profession in general. In other words, most doctors (most, not all) appear in the diagnosis and treatment of the symptoms and not be involved in a search for the cause of the disease. Ignoring the body when you think about what it takes to be healed.

Just yesterday I was foaming, because I wanted a credible medical support for my articles position that poor nutrition is a major cause of Type II diabetes in patients with a genetic predisposition to be found. Was now completely after about an hour of research, I have a little blurb in a small paragraph that applies. Meanwhile, the ADA, NIH, CDC sit on their collective butts and let the people continue in their ignorance. Even doctors. The information isIt ... Everything you need to do is look at the facts. In cultures that the way is the life of the Old World, which holds outside of raw, natural foods, the incidence of Type II diabetes, almost non-existent.

In the meantime, in today's society, where obesity and diabetes kills more than 100 times more people than HIV / AIDS, hidden under the table. Why? because doctors can treat. Keyword is "try" ... no cure. Doctors continue to take medication for people rather than cure. I recommend that you try to aim to make people believe just as KO, but unfortunately most people are so indoctrinated that is the conventional medical community here to help. Sorry guys are the ones making money and nothing else.

I enjoyed reading the article, but thought that once defeated the most important diseases to be cured or that is doctors, pharmacists and hospitals, broken, and we both know that it will never happen.

NutriSam... said...

It is very real and very scary (my daughter was just diagnosed with toxic heavy metals and do everything to eliminate the environmental problems and treatments, so you remove it from your body and there is a marked difference in her!). Heavy metals are found in all children with autism and the connection has been repeatedly demonstrated (Traverse all the studies about autism online research easy to great success), regardless of their origin or their feelings about this, Article This is not a joke or scare tactics. Those responsible for the inclusion of these toxins in our children will not admit guilt in most organizations is itself covered ... I think the last comment "is a crime" very appropriate.

Alex said...

You are born with see my video ...

men in black said...

Check out this site.

Laura J said...

Just go to videos and type of autism and mercury or vaccines and autism, and look away google. About his sentence.

Beth said...

Okay, well, since I am a student in my final year in the Business School Health (UofR) I can not really judge this piece. I have to do more research on autism. I have studied autism for almost a year, but I have not done much in his relationship with the mercury.

I think there are adults with autism in itself. I just see it. I see with adults, as though, and I think I'm one of them.

A large part of this section is ambiguous. There is real meaning of certain words .... as an example ... "People regularly eat meat ..." Okay! What is regularly? Is subjective. Mean "regular" might, once a week for one person once a day after another. The word "meat" can only "Red " meat and "all flesh" in another.

I'm going to the articles in professional journals on UofR Library (ProQuest I think most of use) to make an informed decision.

I hope to have someone open. LEARING, I believe, analytically, and you see all the reports, I also can not agree. Best way to a thesis! But I do not save as a favorite for later use with my other numerous articles on autism.

jesus_an... said...


maryjell... said...

I have a parent who has autism. The schools do not meet their needs, and the medical community spends much time looking for a scapegoat, they do not.
This child has improved somewhat since we obtained Horse therapy. He cut the bread and milk. We, the family, I think these two things have an allergic reaction which creates worse. There are indications that "Leaky Gut Syndrome", which seems the result of an allergy to wheat is associated with species of autistic behavior, so they do not give more wheat product. He begins to try to communicate, and is less harmful to the school and at home.
When his parents the possibility of mercury poisoning have been talking to your doctor, they said it could notCase, and the idea was that it was propaganda. It makes them feel stupid, and said of confidence in doctors.
Until now, doctors and teachers who have been less useful, so we try things, and we have some success. I went to the article referring to his parents, perhaps you could tell that this worm-pole treatment could be beneficial.
I am grateful for any information that can be anywhere.
Thank you.

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