Saturday, February 6, 2010

Graviola Cancer Cure Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Does The FDA Need To Stop Ignoring Natural Cures For Cancer?

Does the FDA need to stop ignoring natural cures for cancer? - graviola cancer cure memorial sloan kettering cancer center

Cancer is a major cause of deaths in the United States and / or research has shown that Graviola and Paw Paw trees are needed to fight cancer. Why does the FDA to hide this information from us? What do you think?


Pearl N said...

There are pharmaceutical companies with deep pockets to support it. I often wonder what is really cancer? For people of Manitoba in Canada in the province were outraged when they learned that 40% of the amounts that have been in administration. Deosn't no sense, I have cancer, offering yoga, meditation, tai chi, but you can not relax enough, even if you do not know where his next rent directly from food or pay less for drugs. Paid in Canada, chemotherapy and Radiationis, but nothing more, and you have no insurance or savings to think his big problem, I do, it should be a fund for all new diagnosed fiquire help as it is not in their houses or apartments and lose that many pet concerns and about their lives. That is so wrong in this society.

Billy C said...

Read the policy in the Book of Healing by Daniel Haley. Potomac Valley Press. Also available for download as an eBook. It is written by a former member of Congress and, ten-cancer therapies that have worked, but were ignorred. As Graviola and Paw Paw (which I have not seen research) are mentioned in the novel treatments that are not chemically on and can not be patented as such, resulting in little $$$$. Amounts as we all know, sickness and disease = Big Bucks

Creole said...

The skins of the FDA this information by the mere fact that pharmaceutical companies can make money on natural remedies which in turn also an allowance from the FDA. Remember when you could develop the option to receive or contribute to the herbs, for little or nothing, or thousands of dollars for medicines and treatments that are not guaranteed as to cure, but it is better to it? If a person does not know that natural herbs can help the condition, we can only hear the doctors and take drugs they prescribe. In today's world, everything revolves around money and brainwashing people.

cyrus_xi said...

Because that is all hippy bullshit, let the real scientists.

lo_mcg said...

Please send details of the double-blind study showed that these things are effective to treat or cure cancer. It can, of course, there were none, so I will this 'B' exists for the field and its applications seeds of apricots, mangosteen, grapes, shark cartilage, coffee enemas, herbal tea Essiac, and the rest of the Abracadabra those who fast make money from desperate cancer patients want.

Unfortunately, where there is a cancer patient a charlatan willing to relieve them of their money is not inspected and tested to "heal".

Please be careful what you listen, and believe that someone has invented a story. Beware of testimonials from people who were miraculously "cured" - that there is no way to determine whether cancer ever had in the first place.

Richard D said...

There is no money to cure a disease. To protect the default value for the FDA to pharmaceutical companies to consumers. If you cancer or other diseases, without trying to avoid the cause or cure, you should look for one thing. Heavy metals are a historical cause of many diseases, but medicine is not treated for it or for the disposal of the body.

Panda said...

The FDA does not prevent that people go out and buy and use these products as they see fit. The problem is very simple. . Products do not work. . so that people do not buy it. . and distributors and sellers are not complaining, because they have no kind of "healing", but because they want to sell their products. If pawpaw graviola and cancer and work. . to show documented evidence. That is all that is needed and does not require FDA or the registration of doctors in all communities. . You can do your own studies. . it is the truth. Just to show that it works and people to flow. Until such evidence that the only conclusion which is most of us, that it is easy to criticize, the FDA and the medical community, demonstrate that the products work.

In fact, there is a National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine was founded 20 years ago. . . What is held in legitimate clinical trials and research. . and evenHave difficulty in proving "that some of these fruits and vegetables against cancer fight." The proof is simply not there, and until it does not .. What is the use of these products and types of treatment? If a product, fruit, can vegetables, herbs or supplements do not prove that it works in 4 to 6 week .. This is a good tool to use to fight cancer tumors can double in 4 to 6 weeks. Of course. If not immediately, it will probably not be the people to fight against cancer a lot.

If you believe in these products, however, is for all cancer patients simply require scientific evidence. No one will stop you. The FDA prevents that only people make unsubstantiated claims and try to market as a "cure". . That does not stop when you can prove it works and that the evidence in support.

In addition, there is nothing anyone go to another country to obtain evidence either. . the fact that nobody in the world can provide substantial evidence.. . speaks volumes about our fight against these monsters.

Independence Baby - 7/4/09 said...

The FDA wants a monopoly on drugs. You can not billions and billions of dollars, if natural remedies you can buy almost anything! The extent of corruption is our world today !!!!!!!

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